Ms Gain, in role as our team leader Gina, shared an email from Sarah in NZ COSSA management asking the team to consider a new project to redesign the foyer of the NZ COSSA building. The aims of the project were outlined as:
• To make an informative and attractive display about some current research projects, being done on the research vessel The Aumoana, in order to attract more public interest in the work we do.
• To support schools wanting to teach children about science in the waters around New Zealand.
• To help convince funding authorities to continue supporting our work.
As we read through our email from management some of us opened up keynote on the laptops and wrote down some concerns about taking on such a big project. On newsprint others recorded what the key criteria for the foyer displays were. As a team we discussed our concerns, including money to pay for the display and having time to do our own research. In the end however, we decided as a group that it was important that we do this project because people should know about the science work we do and we need to get funding to keep our jobs.
“we need to do this because what would happen to our wives and kids….we’d have no job!”
This is the email we wrote back to Sarah:
Kia Ora Sarah,
The team has discussed doing the project. We are supportive of the idea but we have some concerns.
We are going to need a budget to pay for equipment. We are also concerned about having time to do our reserach as well. We may have to get an extension on some of our current research deadlines. Georgia may have to re-schedule her trip to France, do you think it would be okay if she went next month instead?
Max has agreed to look at some figures for the budget.
Could you please get back to us for our next meeting about whether you can help us with these things. In the meantime we will start to plan towards starting the project.
Gina and the team.